Double-click on an image in Finder to open the Preview app.You can use this tool to quickly crop your screenshots. When you double-click an image in macOS, the Preview app opens by default. Select the area in your screenshot you want to keep.Press the Crop icon (top-right) after taking your screenshot.Unfortunately, the time before it goes away can’t be extended. If you don’t click on the thumbnail within a few seconds, it will go away, and you won’t be able to use the tool. It’s a thumbnail of your screenshot-when clicked, it brings up the cropping tool. Immediately after taking a screenshot in macOS, you’ll notice a floating thumbnail in the bottom-right corner of your screen. The new, built-in screenshot cropping tool is perhaps the best method for cropping a screenshot on a Mac. Using the Built-In Screenshot Cropping Tool

Once you’ve taken a screenshot, you can crop it using one of the methods below. Capture a window or menu: Shift + Command + 4 + Space bar.Capture part of the screen: Shift + Command + 4.Take a screenshot of the whole screen: Shift + Command + 3.If you’re unsure how to take screenshots, use these shortcuts: If you’re running macOS Mojave and later, you can use a built-in screenshot cropping tool to crop screenshots as you take them. There are different methods for taking a screenshot on Mac, but the quickest way is to use one of several keyboard shortcuts. Essential Keyboard Shortcuts for Taking Mac Screenshotsīefore you know how to crop a screenshot, you might need to know how to take a new screenshot first. If you want to crop a screenshot on a Mac, here’s what you’ll need to do. These include methods that allow you to crop unwanted outer areas, touch up your image with filters, or make more advanced changes.